Top 5 fake nattys

Here are five fitness influencers who we believe are not natural

Alex Eubank has a naturally attainable physique for people who have great genetics and are willing to put in the hard work for 5 + years. He stays lean year-round and uses lighting and angels to his advantage. He has openly spoken about the huge swings in his testosterone levels lately, and an old video of him talking about "testosterone boosters" has reached the surface of the internet. We believe that he has taken/takes a small dosage of some things.

Shizzy is a relatively new star in the fitness world. He has a great physique, but his incredible arms and chest make it seem more impressive than it is. The guy has elite genetics. Shizzy has been through some tests, but it is not enough to prove that he is a lifetime natty for us.

Mike Thurston is on OG in the fitness community. He has been putting on muscle for many years while maintaining sub-10 % body fat, which is almost impossible at his age. His genetics are insane, and although we would love to believe that he is natural, we think he is on small dosages.

Like Mike, Simeon has been on the scene for over ten years. Simeon has an incredible physique. He stated that he doesn't have great genetics, which makes it even harder to believe that he is natural. Weighing +230lbs at 6'1 while having around 10% body fat is not attainable naturally, no matter how hard you work.

Mike O'Hearn keeps improving at 57 and acts like it is all from his hard work. We will not take anything away from him; he works hard and stays consistent. Mike is bigger than many professional bodybuilders. We don't believe that he is natural.

All these guys work hard, and we respect them a lot. If any of these guys are natural, they should take the accusations as compliments. You guys must know what you can achieve naturally and what you can't. That will save you a lot of pain in the future.
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