The best exercise

With 1000+ muscle-building exercises and countless variations, perfection is elusive. What matters is how you do them and what you enjoy. No exercise is ideal; it's about personal preference and effective execution for tailored results.


Here is a way to demonstrate how you can find the ''best'' exercise for you:


The goal

  • You want bigger quads!

You have access to 3 exercises to help you achieve that: leg press, squats, and hack squats.



  • You don't like squats because you have a hard time executing them properly
  • When you do hack squats, you get a sharp pain in your knees; therefore, you can't do them correctly.

You like leg press; you can do them comfortably, and the other two exercises are no longer an option. The exercise might not be perfect, but it's the best possible outcome in that situation.


To discover your ideal exercise, consider four crucial factors:

  • Effectiveness—observe progress
  • Enjoyment—ensure it's pleasurable
  • Convenience—check availability and ease
  • Comfort—assess pain and potential injury interference.

Prioritize these aspects for a tailored choice. Before committing to an exercise, contemplate these factors to determine what works best for your goals, preferences, and overall well-being.


If you want to be entirely sure it is a good exercise, you can combine your considerations with our ratings or what other people may think of an exercise.

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