
Everybody wants to become successful nowadays. The word "success" gets thrown around a lot in today's age of social media, but almost nobody can define what success is for them. All we see are good-looking people, exotic cars, and highlights of people's lives on social media. Is that success? Have you ever thought about what success is for you?

People underestimate the power of good relationships. The majority of people are the happiest when they spend time together with their loved ones. Family and good friends can make our lives so much easier, but nobody seems to define success as having fantastic relations. Is having good relationships part of your success?

Fulfillment is also important for most people to live a meaningful life. Doing something where you feel important while making progress can make the journey much more enjoyable.

Many people do things they hate, hoping for it to pay off in the future. This phenomenon is called "delayed gratification," and it means that you offer your well-being today for your well-being in the future. This can be a smart move, but not in the extreme.

Material things are the most acknowledged marker of success. At the same time, there are endless rich people out there who are depressed. Are they really successful? Economic freedom gives some significant advantages in life, but is it really what matters most?

Most people see success as a state. "When I get abs, money, good friends, etc., I will be happy and successful." Have you ever reached your goal in school, gym, or other places? Before you hit your goal, you convinced yourself that you will be truly happy when you get there. A week goes by, and you already forgot about it and have new goals. Success is hard to define and maintain when you get there.

You must prioritize what matters to you, as it is almost impossible to have the best relationships, a fulfilling everyday life, and be well off economically. Choose your battles wisely!
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