
When aiming to transform a skinny physique into a more muscular one, embracing a caloric surplus is crucial. This involves strategically elevating your daily calorie intake, focusing on increased fats, proteins, and carbohydrate consumption. To promote muscle growth, strive for a surplus ranging from 300 to 500 calories above your maintenance level(find yours on a calorie calculator). This surplus provides the necessary energy and nutrients to fuel intense workouts and support muscle-building, facilitating a noticeable transformation over time.


The best type of foods in bulk are fatty fish, such as salmon and mackerel, rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Red meat serves as a potent source of protein and iron. Carbohydrate staples like rice, pasta, and potatoes fuel workouts, aiding muscle growth. Avocados, oils, nuts, and peanut butter provide healthy fats for sustained energy and overall nutritional balance.


You need more than the diet part to get your dream body, so the training must also be controlled. Key training steps include:

  • Finding enjoyable routines/exercises.
  • Performing them with intensity.
  • Maintaining consistency.
  • Striving for improvement over time.

These elements create a sustainable and effective fitness approach, enhancing enjoyment and long-term progress in your fitness journey.



  • Dirty bulking: It will make you gain unnecessary fat and won't help you build more muscle.
  • Getting too fat: The more fat you get does not mean the more muscle you build; if you get too fat, you will become insulin resistant, which means your body won't obtain nutrients properly. 
  • Getting fat fast: gaining weight too fast is unnecessary, and the bulk will not be enjoyable.



  • Create an eating schedule to be able to eat all your meals.
  • Can't eat enough? Make a shake with calorie-dense foods. (peanut butter, oats...)
  • Can't eat enough? Add oil to your meals.
  • Be patient! It will pay off one day
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