
When aiming to transform an obese physique into a healthier one, adopting a calorie deficit is crucial. This involves strategically reducing your daily calorie intake and focusing on nutrient-dense foods while being mindful of portion sizes. To promote weight loss, aim for a deficit ranging from 300-500 calories below your maintenance level (find yours on a calorie calculator). This deficit encourages the body to utilize stored fat for energy, facilitating a noticeable transformation over time.


The best foods to prioritize include lean proteins like chicken, turkey, and fish, which help maintain muscle mass during weight loss. Vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals without adding many calories and can be satiating. Try to eat low-calorie carbs such as sweet potato and rice for carb sources. Adding Greek yogurt or skyr to your diet can make the cut easier.


Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day is essential. Water helps with digestion and supports your body's natural detoxification processes.


Incorporating regular cardio into your routine significantly aids in cutting by boosting calorie expenditure. Aim for intense or semi-intense cardio sessions three times a week or achieve 10,000 steps daily.


You need more than the diet part to get your dream body, so the training must also be controlled. Key training steps include:

  • Finding enjoyable routines/exercises.
  • Performing them with intensity.
  • Maintaining consistency.
  • Striving for improvement over time.
  • These elements create a sustainable and effective fitness
  • approach, enhancing enjoyment and long-term progress in your fitness journey.


  • Processed foods
  • Liquid calories
  • Losing weight at a speedy rate
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