There's a lot of talk about whether influencers and people generally achieve their looks naturally or with some help. People are debating if what you see is the real deal or if there's more behind the scenes, raising questions about honesty in how public figures present themselves.

Determining if someone is natural or not from social media pictures and videos is a challenge. People use good lighting and poses that make them look better, and it's hard to know what's real. So, arguing about it seems like a waste of time because appearances can be deceiving in the online world.

There are numerous instances of individuals who stand out due to exceptional genetics, immense dedication, or a combination of both. Discrediting their achievements based on assumptions about enhancements overlooks the extraordinary effort and passion they invest. Recognizing the influence of genetics and unwavering commitment is crucial in acknowledging and respecting their hard work.

Some individuals achieve impressive aesthetics through hard work and natural methods. Conversely, some may use PEDs but not display an extraordinary physique. This goes to show that PEDs are not always a determining factor.

False claims about being natural in the fitness world can fuel unrealistic expectations, fostering an environment where people may develop body dysmorphia and diminished self-worth. Rather than fixating on others' journeys, it's crucial to concentrate on personal growth and well-being.
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