Is Sam Sulek a good role model?

Sam Sulek is one of the most influential people in the fitness industry. But is he the right person to look up to?

Sam Sulek uploaded his first YouTube video 10 months ago. Since then, he gained more than 2,6 million subscribers. Furthermore, he has more than 4 million followers on Instagram. People seem to love his work, but why?

Sam Sulek is only 21 years old and is already 240 pounds, with sub 10% body fat. He is one of the most impressive aspiring bodybuilders yet to make his debut. His physique is not attainable for any natural lifter. It is not even attainable for 99% of people on PEDs. Sam is a genetic freak, and combined with his hard work and PEDs, he is able to look the way he looks. His looks play a huge role in his success.

Sam Sulek really seems like a wholesome person. Even though he is relatively famous, he is relatable, humble, and funny. He often discusses problems that every young guy faces in their everyday life. His down-to-earth personality plays an even bigger role in his success, and we should all aim to be as humble and genuine as him.

Sam Sulek is a good role model for young people, as he has positive energy. He is all about working hard and being dedicated to the things we love. That is something everybody should consider copying. He inspires all of us to be ambitious, disciplined, and a better person in general.

Even though Sam never talked about his PED usage, we all know that he is on some things. A lot of guys want to look like and be like Sam. This could mean that a lot of young people start using PEDs to become like their role model. You will not be like Sam with or without steroids. He also gives some questionable advice every now and then. For example, chocolate milk... Be smarter!
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