Rice cakes

Rice cakes are snacks made by compacting and puffing rice grains.


Nutritional value of 1 rice cake:

  • Calories: 35
  • Protein: 0.7 grams
  • Carbohydrates 7.7 grams
  • Fat: typically less than 0.5 grams

Rice cakes are a carb source and low in calories and every other macronutrient. Rice cakes can be a healthier alternative for many snacks, but it's important to remember that they're not very satiating, making them easy to overeat.


Rice cakes do not contain many micronutrients but have some iron, folate, vitamin B, and magnesium.


Rice cakes can be an excellent addition to your pre-workout meal because they are pure carbs, making them easy to digest and a source of energy for the workout.


Rice cakes are accessible almost everywhere in stores; many types of rice cakes exist. Rice cakes are affordable, but they're not necessary for your diet. However, they can be added if desired.



  • Snack substitute
  • Pre-workout meal
  • Vegan
  • Not nutrient-dense
  • Intolerance risk: low



  • Corn cakes

Corn cakes have very similar macros and micronutrients but are less accessible and may be more expensive in some places.

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