Ground turkey

Ground turkey is made by grinding turkey meat, typically from the thighs or breast. It is a leaner alternative to ground beef and is commonly used in various recipes as a substitute for ground beef or other ground meats.


Ground turkey available in stores often comes in varying fat percentages, but a standard option is around 93% lean, meaning it contains 7% fat.


Nutritional value for 100 grams of 93/7 ground turkey:

  • Calories: Around 165 calories
  • Protein: 20-22 grams
  • Fat: 9-10 grams
  • Carbohydrates: usually less than 1 gram

Ground turkey offers selenium, B vitamins, phosphorus, and zinc. 


Ground turkey is an excellent protein source for cutting and is lower in calories than some meats. Its lean profile, high protein content, and versatility make it a smart choice for calorie-conscious diets.


Ground turkey is widely available in supermarkets and grocery stores, offering a cost-effective protein option. Its price is often competitive compared to other meats, making it a budget-friendly and nutritious choice.



  • Not vegan
  • Keto and carnivore-friendly
  • Good protein source
  • Intolerance risk: low
  • Semi nutrient-dense



  • Ground beef
  • Ground chicken

Ground beef is often higher in fats and, therefore, calories as well. It is more nutrient-dense but also more expensive.


Ground chicken is very similar to ground turkey in macros, calories, price, and taste.

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