Ground beef

Ground beef is minced meat from beef, with fat content typically ranging from 3-20%.

Nutritional value of 100g of ground beef 3-20% fat

  • Calories: 140-290
  • Protein: 26g
  • Fat: 3-20g
  • Carbs: 0g

The fat percentage dictates the amount of calories. Fat is an essential macro; if your fat intake is generally low, we recommend about 10% fat ground beef. Ground beef provides a significant amount of high-quality protein.


Ground beef is nutrient-dense, providing essential micronutrients like iron, zinc, and B vitamins.


Ground beef is very accessible, and the price solely depends on the fat percentage. The leaner options tend to be more expensive than the fatter ones. It can get pricy in some places, but it is a food worth being in your diet.



  • Keto and carnivore
  • Intolerance risk: low
  • Nutrient-dense



  • Ground chicken
  • Ground turkey

Ground chicken and turkey provide about the same protein but are often lower in fat and less expensive.

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