Wide cable row

The wide cable row targets the upper traps, rear delts, and rhomboids, which means it targets a big part of your upper back.


The stability can be problematic as you get stronger, so if you are strong in such movements, we recommend a pull movement with chest support. If you position yourself well and use your legs for support, you can still get a lot out of this movement.


The fatigue is semi-high in this exercise since it involves many muscles, and the upper back muscles are strong. Since you have some support, it is less fatiguing than other pull exercises, such as dumbell rows and barbell rows.


Cable row stations are common in most gyms, and you can also do it with a typical cable stack and bench, which can be more stable. Some similar upper back movements, such as barbell and dumbbell rows, are more common.



  • Compound movement
  • Different variations
  • Loadability is good
  • Easy to perform



  • Barbell rows
  • Chest supported rows

Barbell rows target the same muscles, but it is even less stable, harder to perform, and more fatiguing.


Chest-supported rows include many variations, such as chest-supported dumbbell rows, T-bar rows, or machine rows, and they are generally better for hypertrophy since they are more stable and easy to perform. 

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