Triceps rope pushdown

The rope tricep extension is an excellent movement to develop your triceps. The tricep muscle covers approximately 2/3 of your arm, so pay attention if you want your arms to grow.

With this exercise, you are mainly training the long head of the tricep, and the medial and lateral heads are less challenged than the long head. The triceps are trained in a shortened position because it is most difficult at the bottom when the triceps are shortened.

Stability is primarily acceptable for this movement, especially for beginners. As you progress with this exercise, your core will also be challenged to maintain a great form.

This exercise gives an excellent pump if appropriately executed with great form. The contraction is also incredible, which makes this movement fun.

Suppose you are looking to optimize this movement even further. In that case, the double rope setup will increase the range of motion and get you better contraction.

The alternatives to this exercise are dips/machine dips, uni-lateral triceps extension, and triceps extensions with other attachments.

This movement is excellent, and if you want big arms, this exercise is highly suggested.
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