T-bar row

There are many types of T-bar rows; most are upper back focused, but some have a narrow grip that is better for the lats. There are also chest-supported and standing versions of it. In this case, we are rating a regular-standing version that targets the upper back.

The stability is probably the worst part of this exercise, yet it is acceptable. It can be challenging for some individuals to stay tight and prevent form breakdown in the lower back. T-bar rows are like barbell rows, great for building core strength and overall mass.

Because of the stability, this exercise has high fatigue, but it is not a huge problem.

Overall, T-bar rows are great not only for hypertrophy but to build core strength.

Unfortunately, not every gym has a T-bar row, especially a chest-supported one. Standing T-bar rows are more common in gyms. Luckily, there are some great alternatives if you don't have a t-bar row in your gym.

– Barbell rows
– Dumbell rows
– Machine row
Barbell rows are very similar in almost every category. Just as good.
Dumbell rows are also very similar. Just as good.
A machine row is often better overall, but the difference is insignificant.
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