Machine upper back row

Row machines come in many different variations. The best type of row machines are loadable and have chest support for added stability.


This particular row targets the whole upper back, which includes rear delts, traps, and rhomboids.


This row variant has high stability because there is chest support, which lets you focus on your upper back.


Even though it is a stable exercise, it is still fatiguing because you use many muscles and can pull a lot of weight. 


Only some are fortunate enough to have a machine such as this one in their gym, but there are alternatives to replicating this movement.



  • Compound movement
  • Lengthened-mid
  • Stable
  • Easy to perform
  • Loadable



  • Barbell row
  • T-bar row

Both these alternatives train the same muscles; however, they are less stable and generally more fatiguing. These alternatives are more common than the machine upper back row.

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