Machine shoulder press

The machine's shoulder press targets the front delts and triceps.


The machine shoulder press is the most stable shoulder press variant, and it is straightforward to perform and do correctly.


This shoulder press variation is not very fatiguing, but it can still fatigue you if you do it with proper intensity.


The machine shoulder press is one of the most effective exercises for hypertrophy, but we would instead recommend the military press for strength gain.


Unfortunately, only some gyms have a machine shoulder press, but some do. Not every shoulder press machine is good; sometimes, choosing an alternative could be better.



  • Dumbbell shoulder press
  • Smith machine shoulder press
  • Military press

The dumbbell shoulder press is just as good because it is very accessible and overall very effective.

Smith machine press is also just as good because it can be done in most gyms and is effective.

The military press is "worse" for hypertrophy because it is unstable and requires much more energy. We recommend military press for people who train for strength.

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