Dumbbell pullovers

The dumbbell pullover is one of many pullover variations; however, this variation targets the chest for the most part, and the lat has little activation. The only portion of this lift where the lats can be stimulated is the lower portion, where the lats are lengthened.


The bench is necessary to execute this exercise, and it adds some stability; it is in a vertical position because it adds stability to the upper back, but the rest of your lower body can be hard to stabilize, especially when using heavier weights.


This exercise is less fatiguing than most chest exercises due to the muscles not working to their total capacity.


This pullover variation is accessible in every gym and can be replicated at home with weight and a bench-like object.



  • Isolation
  • Little back activation
  • Very accessible
  • Lengthened position



  • Cable pullovers

The cable pullover is another variation, but it solely targets the lats instead of the chest. The cable pullovers are way more effective for the lats than dumbbell pullovers.

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