Dumbbell kickback

The dumbbell kickback targets the tricep muscle, specifically the lateral head.


This exercise has enough stability overall since you often hold on to something and often have to use lighter weights.


The dumbbell kickbacks are less effective than other tricep extensions because they provide limited tension throughout the full range of motion, limiting muscle engagement. This does not mean that kickbacks are useless because there is some muscle engagement, but other exercises will be more effective for the tricep.


This exercise is not very fatiguing since there is good stability and limited muscle engagement.


Dumbbell kickbacks are very accessible as you only need a single dumbbell, and you can perform this exercise.



  • Shortened position
  • Isolation movement
  • Easy to perform



  • Single-arm tricep extension

The single-arm tricep extension is basically the same exercise, just standing upright and with tension throughout the whole motion.

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