
The conventional deadlift targets the posterior chain, including the hamstrings, glutes, lower back, and abs. The traditional deadlift is not specifically suitable for hypertrophy on any muscle.


This exercise requires a lot of stability and balance from the core. Going heavy on this exercise is hard, especially for beginners, because they often need the fundamentals such as bracing, breathing, or even the technique. 


When deadlifting, you engage close to your whole body; therefore, people can lift their body weight or even more. When so many muscles engage, it is natural for the body to become very fatigued and even feel lightheaded after a set.


The deadlift is an accessible exercise where you only need a bar and some plates.



  • Hard to learn
  • Compound exercise
  • Accessible



  • SLDL
  • RDL

Both exercises are very similar to conventional deadlifts, but you execute the exercise a bit differently. SLDLs and RDLs are better at stimulating growth in the glutes and hamstrings.

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